Protecting The Centre for Integrative Care ‘The Jewel in the Crown’ of NHS Scotland.
Die with memories, not dreams…..
Save the NHS Centre for Integrative Care – Cost-efficient and effective care that puts the individual in control of their destiny.
Even although there are countless case studies from individuals testifying about the benefits of integrative care and medicine, The NHS Centre for Integrative care has been under continual attack with lack of funding and staff to carry out its full range of treatments. As a result, this has also resulted in longer waiting times for individuals to be seen and offered treatment at the Centre. Covid-19 has further resulted in patients unable to attend face to face appointments. Although staff have continued to support patients with online and telephone consultations, many individuals who have attended or been referred to the centre for their treatment now fear that telephone or online consultations might become the ‘new norm‘.
The Friends believe it is necessary for individuals to be able to be referred by an appropriate health care professional and receive an appointment that is timely and appropriate to meet their individual health care needs.
The call to action
We are therefore calling on our members and associate friends to contact their MSPs (click here to find your local MSP) to make sure they understand the importance of this unit. We want our friends to emphasis the need for this unit and to strive for continued and appropriate funding to retain the high standard of work carried out. It will be vital for us to communicate will all relevant stakeholders and ensure that they understand the need to physically attend the Centre for Integrative Care for the face to face contact and to receive the supportive energy experienced by visiting the Centre.
What does success look like?
We will have:
- Agreed ring-fenced NHS funding to allow the Centre for Integrative Care to offer services to all citizens of NHS Scotland.
- A centre that is staffed and funded to a level which allows patients who are referred to be seen in a timely fashion and be offered treatments necessary to improve their health and well being.
- Funding to re-open the in-patient beds at the Centre to allow access for all, irrespective of the area in which they live.
Business objective:
All interested parties and stakeholders will use all their contacts and networks to ensure that the Government and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are aware of the importance of this Centre.
It will be important to ensure they:
- understand the real cost saving that can be achieved by properly funding and supporting the service.
- appreciate that the centre can support current mainstream services to manage their waiting times and make their current workstreams more efficient by working in partnership and co-production.
The webpage will provide a focus to allow and support easy access to information that will support us to contact the relevant people whom can influence positive outcomes for the campaign.
Target audience for campaign success
We will work with all interested parties and our friends memberhsip to achieve our goals:
- We will ask the membership to contact all MSP in their local areas to ensure they understand the importance of the Centre to them.
- We will ask members in other health boards within Scotland should contact their MSPs and make them aware of their wish to be able to be referred and supported by the Centre.
- We will write to the Health Board and Jeanne Freeman to make them aware of the importance of the centre in managing health care waiting times while offering support to patients with chronic conditions.
- Friends membership will actively find like-minded influential people to support the cause
Our key messages
The centre provides:
- Cost-effective and efficient mode of care delivery
- Potential to support current NHS structure better – provide support to reduce waiting times
- Capability to outreach and support community services
- Opportunity to offer support to clinician in training around the integrative care and medicine approach, maximising knowledge transfer within the NHS.
- Improved outcomes for patients – Self management support, reduced use of NHS services
- Reduced need for pharmacological prescribing – reduced costs
- Numerous studies carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Centre
- Award winning Service demonstrating the impact on patient care and outcomes
- High Patient satisfaction rate
The Case for Homeopathy
The Case for Homeopathy
Homeopathy can be safely used as a complementary treatment which works very well alongside conventional medicine. At the Centre for Integrative Care we have highly trained and experienced doctors and nurses who use their detailed knowledge of homeopathy together with all their other skills as part of their integrative care approach. This dovetail approach also gives patients more treatment choices to support and manage their health and wellbeing and puts them firmly in control of their life.
Homeopathy has been around a long time, over 200 years, and is a tried and tested treatment for over 100 million people across the world who are using it daily. We are fortunate that Scotland indeed has a long and happy association with homeopathy. In 1880 a dispensary was opened which gave free treatment to the poor. The first homeopathic hospital in Glasgow was opened in 1914. After several relocations it is now located on the Gartnavel site and rebranded as The NHS Centre for Integrative Care.
Homeopathic medicines, prescribed by a skilled practitioner, are very safe. Homeopathic remedies are also cheap. In France, where homeopathy is an integral part of the healthcare system, a government report showed that the total cost of care per patient receiving homeopathic treatment was 15% less than the cost of treatment provided by conventional physicians.
To summarise, homeopathy is a safe, cost-effective complementary therapy which should be available to all in the NHS.
For more information about research and homeopathy is available on HRI website HRI website
As part of our ongoing campaign to save the Centre for Integrative Care we would ask you to contact your local MSP and make them aware of the benefits you have received by attending.
What are we doing to Fundraise
We are looking for ideas on how to income generate to support our campaign. If you have any ideas please get in touch.
Why are we campaigning?
To retain a valuable health care approach that is the foundation to good health and well-being. Supports self management of long term health conditions and support the individual to live and not merely exist.
Looking to the Future
We want an end to the continual threat of Closure. After 140 years of a tried and tested approach it is time to have a commitment in place to firmly fund this for the next century and beyond.